
Eat to Lower Your Risk of Dementia

We have uncovered a great article from AARP by Michael Haederle on how to eat to lower your risk of Dementia. I have included some highlights that might grab your attention. If interested, the link to the full article is below. For several of us here at FreedomRefined, food always gets our attention.

The six foods that are getting favorable reports for lowering your risk are:
1. Beans – They provide a rich dietary source of B-Complex Vitamins along with protein and fiber.

2. Citrus – Ascorbic Acid, commonly known as Vitamin C that is found in oranges, tangerines, limes, lemons and other citrus fruits. The good news is that other great fruits and vegetables are loaded with Vitamin C such as strawberries, broccoli and tomatoes. Just be careful if you are on prescription medication about grapefruit juice as it may act unpredictably with certain drugs.

3. Almonds – I don’t even care what they are good for in my health, I just love almonds so knowing they are good for you, makes me smile. On a health note, Almonds provide Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that works on a molecular level to promote healthy blood vessels.
4. Fish – full of omega-3 fatty acids that studies show has polyunsaturated “healthy fats.” These healthy fats reduce inflammation in the body and seem to help with your heart function.

5. Spinach – just seeing the word makes me think of the different ways to have this dark, leafy, flavorful green vegetable. It has both vitamin A and K along with 15 different antioxidant compounds known as flavonoids, which has been shown to inhibit the formation of the beta-amyloid plaques that build up in those with Alzheimer’s disease.

6. Coffee – is it just me or does this one beverage seems to travel more than any other from the good to bad and back to good list. The good news list came from a 2009 University of South Florida study showing that caffeinated coffee decreases blood levels of a plaque-forming protean and even reduced Alzheimer’s-like cognitive impairment – in genetically altered mice. Those lucky mice!

Enjoy the article and have that cup of coffee.  Read article here>>

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